
Tynesha Pringle


Hi, my name is Tynesha I am 30yrs old and have been in the teaching world for 12 years. I never saw myself as a teacher but after graduating from undergrad I found myself in love with students and being able to shape their young minds. I went back and received my masters in early childhood education and special Ed from Concordia College. I am currently working at a progressive charter school in the Bronx in a 4th grade ICT classroom working as the special ed provider. Over the last few years I've found myself drowning in debt living pay check to pay check and often overdrafting my accounts. I accumulated so much debt that all I really do is pay bills. Although signing up for a loan forgiveness program to help with student loans...I have yet to get any 'forgiveness" (lol). It's been a real struggle living in NY and still living at home because I can't afford to move out. Anything donated is really going to help me with some bills and keep afloat for the next few months and will truly be appreciated.

Thanks for taking the time out and reading.
Hi, my name is Tynesha I am 30yrs old and have been in the teaching world for 12 years. I never saw myself as a teacher but after graduating from... read more

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Joined January, 2019 |


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