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Dear Community of Supporters,

I hope this message finds you well and filled with the joy that stories bring to our lives. I am a new children's book author and special education behavior interventionist working on releasing a second children's book, Grayson's First Day of School. I aspire to publish stories that bridge early literacy and social-emotional learning. I also desire to gift a free book to as many special education students as possible. The Grayson Series is designed to captivate young minds while connecting social skills to real-life situations. Owning a pet for most students is a relatable experience. These connections increase the likelihood of successful social capacity.

As a district behavior interventionist, I am assigned to help nine campuses create safe and nurturing classrooms. Through donations received in April, I gifted 20 Grayson Learns His Senses books to students before school ended for the Summer. I want to double this number with Grayson's First Day of School by publishing some books in hardcover and presenting them during the first few months of the 24-25 school year.

Why is this project so important? Books are powerful tools in today's world, where children navigate complex emotions and social interactions from an early age. Through engaging narratives and relatable characters, children learn to recognize their feelings and those of others, developing crucial skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Your generosity will directly fund the production of high-quality paperback and hardcover editions of Grayson's First Day of School, ensuring that each child who receives a free copy experiences the magic of a physical book in their hands. Additionally, your support will enable me to keep connecting early literacy and social-emotional learning.

Here's how you can help:
• Donate: Every contribution makes a difference. Your donation will directly fund the printing and distribution of Grayson's First Day of School.
• Share: Spread the word about our campaign! Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about this initiative to bridge the gap between early literacy and social-emotional learning.
• Engage: Follow our journey on Facebook and Instagram at SEL Conversations with Cheryl and join the conversation about the importance of shaping emotional intelligence.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to support my cause. Your belief in the power of connecting early literacy and social-emotional learning will impact the lives of many children and help those who may not be able to afford the purchase of a new book.

Warm regards,
Mrs. Cheryl Randle of CRANDLE SEL Classroom and SEL Conversations with Cheryl
Dear Community of Supporters, I hope this message finds you well and filled with the joy that stories bring to our lives. I am a new children's book author and special education behavior interventionist working on releasing a second children's... more

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    Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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      Fundraiser | Created Jun 28th, 2024

      Help Bring a Story to Life: Supporting Children's Early Literacy and Social-Emotional Learning

      Cheryl Randle
      $1,000 /goal $120 /raised
      Total donors 2 Donors
      12% Complete
      Ends on Dec 25th, 2024