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CVCHS Robotics Club students just competed in their first VEX VRC Competition placing #14 out of 29 teams. Using basic parts from the Engineering classroom supplies, they were able to put together a simple robot in less than two weeks that won four of six matches.

The Robotics team's enthusiasm for robotics is infectious. After their first competition, the students have been driven and motivated to improve their engineering and troubleshooting skills to solve problems and become an even more competitive team. They will need additional robot parts in order to have a competition-level robot.


During the 2023 - 2024 VEX VRC Robotics season, students will have the opportunity to discover engineering and will be faced with modern-day STEM problems to design, build, and test solutions. They will use the Engineering Design Process to develop, test, and perfect their robot designs and competition skills.

These VEX Robotics kits contain all the components, motors, wires, and parts needed for the students to prepare to compete in VEX Robotics competitions. Without STEM projects such as these, students would not be given the opportunity to explore robotics. These students are our future engineers.

We are part of a suburban, public charter school in a growing and diverse community and are committed to creating an equitable and no-cost program for our students.

Donations and sponsor contributions keep the program active and accessible to all of our student members. Please help us keep our promise to our students and help our program grow.

This project funds not only the VEX VR Robotics Competition robot parts and supplies, but also the registration fees, travel costs, and promotional materials such as t-shirts.

My goal is to be able to reach more students next year and in the future, we need to be able to build more robots and grow our program. The VEX V5 parts include many of the needed resources so more teams and students can compete from our school. Students will be able to engineer a robot to compete in the VEX VRC competition and help us compete every year thereafter.


Registration fees total $3435:
SEPT 23 SAT Bay Area Over and Under Tournament #1 $175
SEPT 30 SAT Winters Robotics FarmBots $155
OCT 14 SAT Robolabs Tournament #2 Dublin Robotics Club $175
OCT 28 SAT DVHS Robotics 13th Annual Tournament $180
NOV 19 20 21 SUN MON TUE One World Showcase UC Berkeley $375
JAN 13 SAT Pacific Open Championship Dublin Robotics Club $175
FEB 16 17 18 FRI SAT SUN 6th Norcal Silicon Valley VRC Signature Event $400

VEX V5 Robotic parts $1858.62:

Travel costs and promotional materials: $700+


*You can also write a check payable to "CVCHS Robotics Club" and mail it to:
CVCHS Robotics Club
Clayton Valley Charter High School
1101 Alberta Way
Concord, CA 94521
ATTN: JoAnna Castillo

Your tax-deductable donation will help us continue to grow and provide opportunities for all students at no cost.
OUR STUDENTS CVCHS Robotics Club students just competed in their first VEX VRC Competition placing #14 out of 29 teams. Using basic parts from the Engineering classroom supplies, they were able to put together a simple robot in less than... more

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    Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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      Fundraiser | Created Aug 22nd, 2023

      VEX VRC Competition Challenge - CVCHS Robotics Club: Help my students with VEX V5 Robotic parts to compete this year!

      CVCHS Robotics Club
      $6,000 /goal $2,275 /raised
      Total donors 20 Donors
      38% Complete
      Fundraiser Completed
      Ends on Sep 30th, 2023