

76 Pages
Science, Earth Science, Environment & Ecology
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th
Resource Type
Activities, Printables, Worksheets
Common Core English Language Arts Standards, Common Core Mathematics Standards, Next Generation Science Standards


In this product, students will learn how traits are passed through sexual and asexual reproduction, notes are adapted to meet students individual learning needs, review questions are asked throughout the product, and an adaptation project template is included in this product.

The following vocabulary words: asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, dominate, hybrid, recessive, selective breeding, adaptation, inbreeding, regeneration, adaptations " camouflage, warning coloration, and mimicry.

Students will learn about how traits are passed through the adapted notes, review, and adaptations project template that are included in this product. Students will also learn the following, what asexual reproduction is, examples of organisms that are produced asexually, a review of what binary fission and budding are, what happens in these two processes, and how it is the simplest type of asexual reproduction. Students will learn there some organisms use asexual reproduction part of the time. Organisms such as fungi, plants, and yeast can go between asexual and sexual reproduction. Students will learn how these organisms go between both asexual and sexual reproduction. Students will learn about regeneration and are provided with examples on how this process works, sexual reproduction in organisms " plants and animals, students will learn about the male and female parts of a flowering plant and how what the process of sexual reproduction is in a plant, dominant and recessive genes are reviewed, and students will be provided with examples when looking at different colored flowers and how and why the offspring would be a specific color, when reviewing sexual reproduction in flowers, students will also learn that a fertilized egg contains DNA from both parents, selective breeding, hybrid, and inbreeding are reviewed and examples are provided to ensure comprehension. Adaptations will be covered in this lesson as well and will cover " camouflage, warning coloration, and mimicry.

At the end of the product there is a how traits are passed review that includes fill in the blank questions with the use of a key based on previously learned vocabulary covered in the product, diagrams that students will be required to draw based on pictures or diagrams that were presented in the product, and short answer comprehension questions.

In this product, students will have the opportunity to answer comprehension questions, complete drawings based on a diagram or picture provided, and answer fill in the blank questions using a key based on previously learned vocabulary words. Students can complete these questions independently, in a group, or with help.

Students are provided with an Adaptations Product template as well. Students will choose one adaptation that was learned about: camouflage, warning coloration, and mimicry, and will use the internet/Google to search for an animal that uses one of these adaptations to survive. Students will answer short answer questions, circle pictures, and draw a picture of their animal.
In this product, students will learn how traits are passed through sexual and asexual reproduction, notes are adapted to meet students individual learning needs, review questions are asked throughout the product, and an adaptation project template is included in this... more
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Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Adapted Notes, Review, and Project Template

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