

20 Pages
Reading & Literacy, Spelling, Grammar & Syntax, Writing
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Resource Type
Activities, eBooks, Handouts


This series, as well as the accompanying Literacy Curriculum, Puzzles and Games were created by educators. The curriculum below was developed for elementary age students and can be modified to suit particular grade levels and/or needs. As you will note, each curriculum file is a series of literacy activities corresponding to a scene for the "Adventure at Sea" story. Curriculum files also include ideas for Enrichment Activities (Art, Science and Drama). In addition, we have included a file download of all supplemental puzzles and games for "Adventure at Sea". This is the same puzzle/game file you will find on the "Adventure at Sea" webpage.

Teachers - The literacy curriculum for each scene includes a teacher's guide with discussion and pre-listening questions, as well as a number of activities, puzzles and games to support literacy skills in: Comprehension, Vocabulary, Writing, Prediction, Context Clues, Story Elements and Plot, Character voice, Dialogue, as well as Imagery. We have also included some concept art coloring pages. NOTE: These are not the final character drawings, but thought they might be a fun addition to the activities.

ALSO: If using the curriculum with the podcasts, the intro is abbreviated so as to accommodate the 15 minute episode mark. That said, podcasts are great for the classroom, because they are an exact and predictable length (15 minutes each) from start to finish.

Teachers and Counselors - These stories also support SEL (Social Emotional Learning). They are rich in elements of: Conflict and Conflict resolution, Coping skills, Decision making, Problem solving, Perseverance, Accountability, Friendship, Loyalty and more. There are endless opportunities to engage students in relevant dialogue about how their own life experiences, feelings, decisions and relationships mirror those of the story characters. More importantly are the opportunities to help students make the connections between: Past experiences, decisions, behaviors and outcomes AND How to apply healthy skills to future experiences.

The personalities of each Gnome encompass a significant piece of all our personalities. Unfortunately, with time and age, "life" molds and shapes us, funneling us into who we become, as we lose our "edge", the freedom of expression and the essence of who we truly were as children. The reason children enjoy and identify with these Gnomian characters so much, is they can clearly see themselves within.

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Enjoy and Thank You for all you do for kids!
This series, as well as the accompanying Literacy Curriculum, Puzzles and Games were created by educators. The curriculum below was developed for elementary age students and can be modified to suit particular grade levels and/or needs. As you will note,... more
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