
Jackie Kranz


Dyslexia affects 1 in 5 children, most of whom go undiagnosed their entire lives. The key to success for these students is intense, explicit, small group instruction that is multisensory in nature. I am in my second year of a Dyslexia Therapy Masters program, and I am working hard to provide the necessary intervention for students. We require the following items during instruction: binder for each student; dry erase markers for practice; paper, lots and lots of paper; colored cardstock for review decks; index cards for paragraph framing; pencils; highlighters; lined dry erase board; and did I mention paper? I also am currently borrowing books from the library, which I would love to be able to own. Nothing is worse than hitting your max number of check-outs when you have not finished with the book. I also would like to order organizational materials to assist with keeping things in order so as to provide more accurate instruction, as well as to be able to store unit supplies together.
Thank you.
Dyslexia affects 1 in 5 children, most of whom go undiagnosed their entire lives. The key to success for these students is intense, explicit, small group instruction that is multisensory... read more


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