
Amanda Scott


Hello! My name is Amanda. I am a teacher for VIPKid. I truly enjoy teaching and love the connection I build with my students as I watch them progress and grow. I am a mom of two beautiful children. I also am an aspiring graduate student in psychology, counseling, cognitive sciences, and child development studies. I am devoted to improving the quality of teaching and harnessing individualisation for my students to provide the best quality learning experience. I am an entrepreneur looking to proceed on my own educational journey, as I develop new theories and learn newteaching styles. I look forward to watching the new generation grow and surpass that of our own. The future is in their hands. I appreciate all of your support in my teaching journey. Hello! My name is Amanda. I am a teacher for VIPKid. I truly enjoy teaching and love the connection I build with my students as I watch them progress and... read more

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