
Amber McHugh


Hello! I am a kindergarten teacher and a mom of 2. I absolutely love what I do, but let's face it the reality is teachers barely make enough money to cover their own expenses! Teachers are spending so much of their own money on their classrooms and students because they love them like their own,and want to provide the best learning experience possible for them. I teach in a low income,high crime area and unfortunately most of my students parents do not have any disposable income for classroom donations. Students coming into my kindergarten classroom have varying levels and abilities. I'd like to be able to purchase a guided reading table so I can work more effectively with small groups during both reading and math and differentiate my instruction to meet each students needs. I'd also love to use donations to expand our classroom library and share my love of reading with all my little readers Hello! I am a kindergarten teacher and a mom of 2. I absolutely love what I do, but let's face it the reality is teachers barely make enough money to... read more


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