
Bailey Richey


Howdy! I am Ms. Richey and I am a Pre-K 4 ESL teacher at a Title I school in Houston, Texas. I am a Texas A&M University graduate (Gig 'em baby!). This is my 5th year working as one of the only two ESL teachers in a predominantly bilingual/Spanish speaking school.
Each year I have been blessed with some of the most precious children on earth. This year I am the Special Education inclusion teacher and I have 19 of the sweetest, funniest, and most energetic students to ever walk through my classroom door! I have 12 boys and 7 girls and I do everything I can to give them the best possible education. Out of my 19 students I have 3 with Autism, 2 with speech issues, 1 with selective mutism, and 6 that are labeled At-Risk of not graduating due to language or homelessness.
My class has shown a large interest in technology, reading, and puzzles. I spend as much money as I possibly can on supplies for my classroom, but I can only do so much! These funds would help my classroom by providing headphones for the iPads (we are down to only two pair), spruce up my reading center to make reading more exciting for them, and get my students excited about learning! My autistic students have already completed all of the puzzles I have- I can't keep up!
Howdy! I am Ms. Richey and I am a Pre-K 4 ESL teacher at a Title I school in Houston, Texas. I am a Texas A&M University graduate (Gig 'em... read more

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