One of the most touchy subjects for parents, and a clear sign your child is rapidly growing up right in front of your eyes, is the 'Is Santa Real?" question. Often stemming from a talk on the playground or in the classroom, if you've made Santa a key figure in your holiday experience, the concept […]
In today's world of advertising and material excess, raising a non-materialistic child is more difficult than ever. Suppose an impressionable child stumbles across an Instagram page or billboard filled with extravagant clothes and gratuitous displays of wealth, for example. In that case, they will likely relate material goods with status and self-worth. However, one of […]
Disciplining a child at any age can be a complicated process. But seven-year-olds they're on the brink between being that loving young child that wants to spend every waking moment with you and transitioning into a moody less-loving tweenager. For any parent or teacher, this particular age is hard to discipline; your child or student […]
Congratulations on being a parent, and welcome to the world of discovery filled with unknown, unexpected, time-consuming challenges and irreplaceable pleasures. Parenting correctly involves being part of a child’s development that will also add to your dimensions as a person, friend, mentor, and parent. Although parents get better at parenting with time " it doesn’t […]
It may seem counter-intuitive, but arguments between teachers and students aren’t always total catastrophes. There are enough reasons to criticize teachers, but sometimes, arguments with their students shouldn’t be one of them. Keep in mind everything below can be used interchangeably when parenting. Yes, there are many destructive ways to interact with students, and some […]
Sometimes we don’t take much notice of our child’s manners (or lack thereof) until we see them interacting with people outside of the family unit. Sometimes when you are with your children in a social setting, you will be aghast at their lack of manners, and at other times, they will do you proud! There […]
Teachers worldwide are finding that more and more of their students are turning up to school without the essential foundation they need to get ahead. A study in Illinois has suggested 1-in-4 children are starting kindergarten without meeting the basic skills needed, let alone having a head start on the motor and emotional skills they […]
8-year-olds are in a very interesting phase of development, one that is fraught with many behaviors that are not wrong but difficult to deal with. With the strategies below, you can help them to develop their unique personalities while guiding them to be well-behaved and disciplined. It’s easy to get frustrated, but try these tips […]
Motivating a child to learn isn't easy for any parent or teacher. This is especially true when it comes to little ones that aren't born excellent learners. While personality and disposition can play a large part in whether a child is naturally motivated to learn, most kids develop the ability to become good learners through […]