
Classroom jobs for students… Teaching can cause a lot of stressful moments, some of which are totally out of your control.

However, there are a few strategies that you can employ to make your day run more smoothly. Now that you are a month or so into the new school year and everyone is settling into a good routine, it’s time to introduce a new aspect of classroom life for the year: classroom jobs for your students.

Giving students small tasks for which they are responsible is a great way to help them become more responsible while easing a little bit of their burden simultaneously. Children like to feel like they are contributing, and these little jobs are a great way to help them feel more engaged with the entire educational process. You must discern which character traits best fit each job as a teacher and assign them accordingly. Don’t get entrenched in your first choices. If it turns out that a student isn’t well-suited for a position that they have been assigned, then make a switch.

Look at the tasks below and see how helpful classroom jobs can be for students and teachers! Begin talking about the jobs at the start of the school year, and take steps to fill them six to eight weeks after the start once the kids have had ample opportunity to settle in. Good luck!

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Pencil Sharpener

Is responsible for ensuring that all the pencils are sharpened at the end of the day. Try incorporating a “to be sharpened” and “ready to go” box system.


This job entails passing out all papers used during class, including memos to be taken home, not to be confused with the Homework Distributors.

Homework and Exam Distributors

Passes out all quizzes and exams. They can also collect such papers when necessary. This should be a student who does not require much time for their exams or feels pressured or rushed during test-taking.

Door Patrol

Makes sure that the door is securely closed when it’s time for class to begin. Is also responsible for holding the door open for classmates when traveling throughout the school as a class.

Book Organizer

Acts as a de facto librarian who keeps the classroom books neat.

Light Patrol

Makes sure that the lights aren’t left on in empty classrooms.

First In Line

Heads up the line when the class moves throughout the school as a group or is on a field trip. They set the pace and allow the teacher to ensure no one gets left behind.


This student is in charge of watering and caring for all classroom plants. If your school has an outdoor or container garden, this job can include chores such as weeding and harvesting the results of any vegetable garden. Depending on the size of the gardens, they can also be responsible for delegating tasks related to the garden.

Desk Patrol

On a certain afternoon, after classes are complete, this student checks all of the desks to ensure they are tidy. If any desks require attention, they will work with the student to help them keep their desk neat.

Assistant to the Teacher

A position that works on overflow from other jobs or is available to assist the teacher as necessary.

Presence Patrol

Ensures that everyone is present and accounted for and notes any tardiness. They then submit this information to the teacher or main office as directed.

Eraser Help

Works with the teacher to help keep the board clean and the erasers free of dust. They are also responsible for dry-erase boards and markers as necessary.

Math Majors

This position keeps track of all math paraphernalia, such as rulers, slides, compasses, and calculators.

Arts and Crafts Patrol

Works directly with the art teacher to ensure that everyone has the supplies they need at the start of each class and that all work areas are cleaned up before anyone leaves at the end of class.

Meteorologist in Training

Keeps an eye on the local weather and any major weather events in the local area or, depending on the impact, anywhere in the world. Works on a graph or other measuring instrument to track the daily temperature and other notable weather-related occurrences. This job may need to list the help of one or two other students.

Calendar Keeper

If your classroom keeps track of the number of days left until the end of school or until a major event such as Spring Break, you will need a Calendar Keeper. This student will be in charge of updating the countdown apparatus each day.

Junior Vet

If your classroom or school has a pet, you need someone to care for it. This task can fall to the classroom “vet,” who can set up and monitor feeding schedules and any weekend overnight caring that the animal(s) may need. Be sure to check with parents before assigning any overnight responsibilities!


Another idea is to have each student rotate through all of the jobs for a certain period. This would depend on the age of the class, as having to adapt to new positions each month may prove too stressful. When there is an opportunity for the students to rotate through the positions, you will help them develop skills they may not have. When they are at an appropriate age, pushing students a bit outside their comfort zone can help them grow and learn a lot about their abilities and work through challenging situations.

Giving your pupils some added responsibilities is a win-win. You may be surprised by which students adapt most quickly to their new roles and how said positions can positively impact their classroom experience. Start by assigning the jobs rather than asking for volunteers to get all the students involved in the project. Try to incorporate some or all of these jobs into your classroom and see just how effective your little friends can be in helping out!