
Danielle Williams


Hello, I'm an 8th grade middle school science teacher in the Las Vegas area. I have been teaching for 15 years and I still love it. I enjoy finding new ways to engage my students and keep them interested. What I have found out over the years is that hands-on inquiry works best in my Science classroom. Currently, my students are working through Physics but, will soon be learning how to be Astronomers. What would really help my students be successful astronomers are some earth-sun-moon kits. These kits would assist in the hands-on learning I aspire to provide. It would help them make concrete connections and see clear how the sun, earth, and moon interact. I would be very appreciative with any assistance you can provide to help me, help them. Thanks in Advance. Hello, I'm an 8th grade middle school science teacher in the Las Vegas area. I have been teaching for 15 years and I still love it. I enjoy finding new... read more


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