
The best time to create a positive learning environment for your students is in the first weeks of the school year.

No matter how long you’ve been a teacher, there’s no doubt that you understand how important it is to create and build a positive learning environment where each student feels safe and secure enough to grasp the lessons that you provide each day.

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Creating a positive learning environment

Following are seasoned teachers’ tips on creating a positive classroom. Both educators and parents curated these tips. They will undoubtedly help you build a positive learning environment for your students. These strategies fall into three general categories.

Good Relationships

Get started early.

As early as the first day, it’s crucial to start building positive relationships with students and their parents.

Please take the opportunity before the start of the first day of school to meet students and their parents inside the classroom. This allows parents to see the environment in which their student child will learn. It also allows students to associate the classroom with the familiar– the parent.

Take your time.

It may be tempting to start immediately with the lessons you need to cover during the school year. However, it’s worth it to take time to build relationships with your students that will pay off all year long.

Ask for help.

Remember that you have valuable resources in your other faculty members and school staff members. Stay in touch with fellow teachers in person and or on social media. The support you get from an understanding fellow teacher will prove invaluable as the year progresses.

Clear Communication

Speak their language.

Trying to integrate humor and other strategies to build a rapport with students. This will help students feel like you can relate to their situation. This strategy is particularly useful when communicating dry material, such as rules and regulations.

Encourage students to speak your language so that communication goes both ways.

Start from scratch.

Even though you’re used to the rules because you may have been teaching for a long time, students aren’t. Remember that even though you may have memorized all the rules and regulations, your students are still getting used to your teaching style and classroom expectations. Don’t necessarily assume that your students automatically know how to communicate respectfully with one another, do research, take notes, or collaborate on projects.

You may have to dedicate some class time to teaching the basics. However, this investment will help to create a positive learning environment and certainly pay off in the future.


Let your students make decisions

One of the best ways to teach collaboration and improve student self-esteem is to allow students to have a say in classroom decisions. Such decisions as how the desks and chairs are arranged or the arrangement of posters on the wall.

As time goes on, you can also let students have input into project ideas and implementation. This not only alleviates some of the burdens of having to make every single decision by yourself but also helps make students feel like they played a part in creating their learning environment.

Put your trust in technology.

The latest technology can sometimes be confusing when you haven’t used it before. However, technology has become part of our daily lives, and you must find ways to integrate technology into the classroom.

Ideas include making a digital classroom newsletter or a classroom blog that students can update regularly.

Trust yourself!

Remember that creating a positive learning environment is not a science. Sometimes you make errors in judgment or try a new strategy, and it doesn’t work out. You don’t have to get everything perfect right away. Even when you make errors, you can learn from them.

Creating a positive learning environment benefits both you as a teacher and your students.


When the learning environment is positive, students have a much better chance of absorbing all the information they have to share.

These are all great ideas for creating a positive learning environment that you can implement no matter where you teach. Of course, sometimes, implementing creative ideas in the classroom costs money for supplies and other expenses.