
Memary Pilkinton


Approaching my 6th year of teaching, I've learned there is more to it than a trendy classroom with color coordination and perfectly handwritten agenda boards. Sometimes it is simply taking the time to really get to know the students and their families to understand what motivates and interests them. It is highly possible that I should have a student who's very passionate about writing the daily agenda board and doesn't have the best hand writing... compromise. However, holding a high expectation while genuinely supporting a learning environment will have lasting effects for years to come. Having grown up in a poverty environment, it wasn't until my 3rd year of teaching that I realized my calling and purpose. I am thankful everyday for that co-worker (who was so reminiscent of my mother) for being a shoulder to cry on, who listened intently, and helped me through a very emotional enlightenment. It turns out, I can relate to my students. I have taught only in Title I campuses where more than 60% of the students are on free/reduced lunch due to their family's income level. Although parents are often willing to help, it is not always financially possible so I find other ways to get them involved. After investing several thousands (literally thousands) of dollars in furniture, supplies, and random holiday splurges in my first years of teaching including buying gifts for each of my students, I've learned to reach out more to the community to help with these expenses. These costs may not always be necessary but they provide an environment for students to feel safe, cozy, and one that ultimately supports individual learning styles. I look forward to this upcoming academic year and thank you in advance for any support you can provide. Approaching my 6th year of teaching, I've learned there is more to it than a trendy classroom with color coordination and perfectly handwritten agenda boards. Sometimes it is simply taking... read more

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