
Mohan Raffety


My name is Mohan Raffety, and I come from a line of teachers. We have always had a teacher in our family as far back as I can remember. I was adopted from India and raised in Montana. I have a teaching degrees in Elementary Ed, and Music Ed. My Masters degrees are in Curriculum and Admin. Teaching has been a joy for me. I have 15 years under my belt. I will be teaching 2nd grade. In a perfect world, we would have the perfect amount of funding to purchase and get our classrooms ready for a child to learn. I believe that all children can learn provided they are nurtured, and challenged. I live in a Community where this still holds true. My name is Mohan Raffety, and I come from a line of teachers. We have always had a teacher in our family as far back as I can remember. I... read more

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