21 Pages
Science, Earth Science, Physical Science
Resource Type
Bulletin Boards, Curriculum, Lesson Plans
Editable Google Slides I can statements for Third Grade Science TEKS. It includes a header to hang above the statements. Each slide includes the I can statement and TEK number.
These can be easily printed and displayed in page protectors to hang in your classroom. It will allow you to quickly update your learning objective.
Check out my 3rd Grade Social Studies I can statements too!
These can be easily printed and displayed in page protectors to hang in your classroom. It will allow you to quickly update your learning objective.
Check out my 3rd Grade Social Studies I can statements too!
Editable Google Slides I can statements for Third Grade Science TEKS. It includes a header to hang above the statements. Each slide includes the I can statement and TEK number. These can be easily printed and displayed in page protectors... more