38 Pages
Math, Decimals, Fractions
Resource Type
Assessments, Simulations, Test Preps
I created this FSA Simulation to simulate the varying levels of rigor on the actual 6th Grade Math FSA. The test includes Session 1 and Session 2, each with 32 questions. It also includes an answer sheet for the student, and an answer key for the teacher, parent, or for the student to self-correct.
This test was designed to simulate the Florida FSA, but the standards are very similar to most other states. Therefore this also makes a great practice test for:
Georgia Milestones
Indiana ILEARN
Arizona AZMerit
Ohio OST
Tennessee TN Ready
South Carolina SC Ready
Michigan M-STEP
Kentucky K-PREP
Virginia SOL
Wisconsin Forward
all PARCC and Smarter Balanced State Assessments
other Common Core-based assessments
I have priced this very reasonably compared to other full-length, rigorous simulations that are available online and in various texts, because I want all students and teachers to be able to benefit from it. I hope this helps. If you like it, please provide feedback including how you used it so that other teachers may benefit from your experience. I use this as a practice test and review, but it can also be used for math centers, math talks, homework, small group review, whole group review, etc.
This test was designed to simulate the Florida FSA, but the standards are very similar to most other states. Therefore this also makes a great practice test for:
Georgia Milestones
Indiana ILEARN
Arizona AZMerit
Ohio OST
Tennessee TN Ready
South Carolina SC Ready
Michigan M-STEP
Kentucky K-PREP
Virginia SOL
Wisconsin Forward
all PARCC and Smarter Balanced State Assessments
other Common Core-based assessments
I have priced this very reasonably compared to other full-length, rigorous simulations that are available online and in various texts, because I want all students and teachers to be able to benefit from it. I hope this helps. If you like it, please provide feedback including how you used it so that other teachers may benefit from your experience. I use this as a practice test and review, but it can also be used for math centers, math talks, homework, small group review, whole group review, etc.
I created this FSA Simulation to simulate the varying levels of rigor on the actual 6th Grade Math FSA. The test includes Session 1 and Session 2, each with 32 questions. It also includes an answer sheet for the student,... more