

8 Pages
Math, Geometry
4th, 5th, 6th
Resource Type
Activities, Printables, Projects


Students struggle with memorizing the characteristics of polygons and let's face it, it's not fun. This Quadrilateral Family Tree is a great way to make it fun. Constructing a quadrilateral hierarchy will not only layout the relationships visually, but also provide a great study aid for the attributes for each shape. Students enjoy completing this geometry project and love to see the finish product.

Students will be proud of their work and will take ownership of their own learning with this hands-on activity. I like to select a few of my favorites to leave hanging in the classroom for the rest of the year.

In order to complete the Quadrilateral Family Tree, students will:
1) research attributes of 10 shapes
2) create shapes based on attributes
3) identify shapes and label attributes, including geometric marks to show congruency and angle sizes
4) organize shapes based on their relationships
5) construct a quadrilateral mobile to display the hierarchy of quadrilaterals

Make this activity fit your classroom needs:
- Week Long Project: Spend a day or two researching and charting attributes on the included worksheet. Then a day or two cutting shapes, labeling, and organizing them. Then one day constructing the mobile, with gallery walk.
- One to two days: Use the included worksheet as you present the shapes and their attributes. Have students fill it out as they learn more throughout the unit. Then provide an extra day or two for students to cut, label, and construct the mobile.
- Group Collaboration: Have students share the work by assigning a few shapes to each group member. Then, have the group collaborate together to build the mobile. This is an excellent way to encourage math discussion.

This product includes:
- Teacher Instructions including vocabulary and tips
- Student Instructions including an example using triangles
- Printable shapes for students to cut and label
- Rubric
- Answer Key
Students struggle with memorizing the characteristics of polygons and let's face it, it's not fun. This Quadrilateral Family Tree is a great way to make it fun. Constructing a quadrilateral hierarchy will not only layout the relationships visually, but also... more
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Quadrilateral Family Tree Project

Kaylin Fiorello