Adrianna Martinez
@adrianna-martinezI am about to begin my 8th year as an elementary school teacher. I have taught 4 years in Kindergarten and 3 years in 3rd grade all at the same campus. My campus is Title 1 and is home to some of the best families around. Our families are like no other because although they cannot afford much for school, they do everything they can to instill the importance of education to their children. My students have seen more of the ugliness of life than I have and I would love to be able to create a space where they are comfortable and at home. A place where they do not have to worry about not having the necessities. I am about to begin my 8th year as an elementary school teacher. I have taught 4 years in Kindergarten and 3 years in 3rd grade all at the same... read more
Fundraiser for Adrianna MartinezEnds May, 21st, 2023 $0/$973.00 goal