
Amber Ammons


I have lived in 12 different states and have gone to 14 different schools. All my life we moved around and lived in hotels and cars. I remember the exact moment I wanted to become a teacher. I was in 4th grade and many teachers knew my history, it is sent with you every school you go to, so they were not generally interested in getting to know me. That is until Mrs. Washko. She asked about me, she listened to me, and she made me feel important if only for a brief moment. I knew I wanted to help students feel that important. Many of the students I work with deal with issues that many adults wouldn't be able to handle. Many of them take care of younger siblings and are at home doing things on their own. I want to be their safe place. The place they can come to and not have to be an adult.

While my life has changed drastically since I was young, I am able to fall back on many of my experiences and help my "littles" through some tough times. I have three little boys now and they know a lot of what I went through, but not all. I try to shield them from it because they don't need to know.

My husband and I have been together for sixteen years now and he has helped me in my classroom and has done so much for me it is amazing. It is funny because he has said that if he realized what teachers did then when he was younger he wouldn't have been so difficult in class!
I have lived in 12 different states and have gone to 14 different schools. All my life we moved around and lived in hotels and cars. I remember the exact... read more

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Joined July, 2019 |


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