
Brandon Beichler


Started drawing ninja turtles at age 5, received B.F.A. from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, received M. Ed. in Educational Leadership from N.W.O.S.U. in Enid, Oklahoma, and have lived and breathed art for a long time and this is my 7th year attempting to share my art experience with students.

I have 1 wonderful wife : Allison, 2 amazing kids : Denver and Artie who my reason and motivation. I am also lucky to be surrounded by a giant family of teenagers to talk about art with every day. One very important and useful philosophy I have learned from students in teaching is to always let students be the teachers. Teach them to think and not just to make a "pretty picture".
Started drawing ninja turtles at age 5, received B.F.A. from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, received M. Ed. in Educational Leadership from N.W.O.S.U. in Enid, Oklahoma, and have lived and... read more

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Joined September, 2020 |


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