The holidays mean great fun for all the family, but this can also be tiring. Coming up with enough ideas to keep the kids busy is tough, but you can do many things to keep your little ones entertained. One of the best ways to keep your kids busy, help them build up critical thinking […]
Adolescent mental bipolar disorder often doesn't display the classic extreme highs and lows immediately. Instead, teens may seem to be experiencing a depressive episode. This can appear as extreme tiredness and exhaustion, confusion and brain fog, and feeling like they have failed. During these initial episodes, suicidal ideation may occur. As these symptoms are so […]
Everyone has needs, regardless of who they are, what they do, and their past. Understanding these needs means we can meet them, make the most of all the opportunities we have, and maximize our potential. One of the leading models for understanding human needs is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Learn more about what Maslow’s Hierarchy […]
The concept of mindfulness has been around for a long time, but it’s more relevant than ever in our modern world. Mindfulness is the ability to focus on the present moment and be aware of yourself, your surroundings, and how you feel at every moment. Mindfulness can help kids develop empathy, self-awareness, and stress management […]
In regards to the actual cause of dyspraxia is currently unknown. The most recognized theory currently is that it is due to a lack of connections in the brain for motor neurons. These are the nerve cells that control muscles, and if difficulty is encountered in their development, this could lead to more time being […]
It can be treated with medical diagnosis. People with the condition may become depressed or anxious, especially if they struggle to find effective treatment programs. What is hyperactivity? Hyperactivity – characterized by constant movement, impulsive, and aggressive behavior – is a condition in children and adults. It can be a symptom of another health condition, […]
Milestones are integral to tracking a baby’s process as they grow, learn and develop. By setting defined times when children should be showing certain behaviors or taking specific actions, it’s easier for parents and medical professionals to spot any delays or problems with normal development. According to the CDC, it’s essential to follow these milestones […]
It is universally accepted that Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a genetic, biochemical disorder caused by deficits in two specific neurotransmitters that are believed to be responsible for facilitating attention within the brain and are known to run in families. Unfortunately, gaining consensus among healthcare professionals on the exact criteria for ADD and the most […]
Whether you work in a school or an employer, you’re bound to encounter someone whose spelling is not up to scratch. If this is the case, you might have become frustrated with their performance, failing to understand how to support their needs and even forcing yourself to take measures that might not have been kind […]