Teacher Resources
The Power of Yet has become synonymous with learning. Each year students enter classrooms filled with mixed mindsets. Some are eager to learn, while others remain a bit uncertain. What’s impressive about this concept is how quickly students associate with its purpose. But what is The Power of Yet? The Power of Yet is a […]
One of the most common complaints parents have is about the lack of communication with their children and teachers. As a teacher, this can be frustrating. There are only so many letters and emails that can be sent, and many of these are ignored or forgotten, leaving teachers at a loss for improving communication with […]
For some students, reading is enjoyable and exciting. But for others, developing their skills and progress in reading can be a real challenge. This is especially true for students that don't get reading time at home, leading to them quickly falling behind their classmates. CommonLit (Free Online Reading Program) is a tool that helps students […]
Getting kids to stay focused towards the end of the school year can be challenging for any teacher. With the school year ending on the horizon, textbooks and tests tend to be the last things on the minds of young students. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that teachers can capture the attention of their […]
Enhancing your skills is important in any career path but setting professional goals for teachers is particularly important. Teaching is fast-paced, and you may often work in a chaotic environment. With so many demands on your time, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day requirements of your job. While everyday tasks often seem […]
Depending on your experience, history, and behavior knowledge, small issues can quickly expand to more significant problems if left unchecked, according to expert Dona Matthews. But teaching methods in the classroom, including classroom routines, is an excellent way to ensure your class runs smoothly " without any bumps in the road. A list of 35 […]
All teachers will know the sinking feeling that comes when a class is inexplicably rowdy and restless. Occasionally, an entire class will forget their usual sense of decorum and rile their anger up to its very limits. On rare occasions, discipline problems can become chronic, and teachers will find that their students are running the […]
Undeniably, being a teacher causes immeasurable amounts of stress on some days. You have several classes of potentially grumpy children and hormonal teenagers to manage every day, teetering piles of homework to mark, lessons to plan, and somehow have to fit in your normal life around that. Despite that, the results are hugely rewarding – […]
Students struggling with reading or being formally diagnosed with dyslexia can be a unique challenge for teachers. Especially in the earlier years, where learning to read and write matters, extra help is necessary to ensure all your students can thrive. But according to, recent studies show that dyslexia, or struggling to read, is not the […]