
Are you wondering, How I can help my child’s education?

Parents and caregivers are typically keen to help their children through education.

Education resources


How can I help my child’s education?

To do this, caregivers must take an interest in their child’s schooling and connect with relevant school staff and teachers wherever possible.

But first, if you’re a teacher, sign up for your FREE funding account. Or, help fund your teacher today.

Giving your child the best education

Parents often spend a long time choosing the right school for their child, but their involvement can wane once their child starts attending classes. If caregivers want to help their child obtain the best education possible, they should strive to take an active interest in what’s happening at the school and liaise with their child’s teacher at regular meetings. This type of involvement can take many forms, such as:

  • Attending parent-teacher meetings
  • Helping with extracurricular activities
  • Offering to take part in school fundraising activities
  • Joining parent committees

How can I help my child succeed in school?

Of course, parents are subject to time constraints too, and working parents, in particular, may find it difficult to attend every school event. Teachers understand that parents may not be available on every occasion, so there’s no need to worry if you cannot visit the school frequently.

Taking an active interest and attending where possible should ensure a good working relationship with your child’s teacher and will help ensure your child gets the most from their school experience.

Keeping your child motivated

Some school terms can seem to go on forever, and students may begin to get complacent or feel demotivated partway through the school year. If parents and caregivers take action to keep their children motivated and on track, this can give them the determination to do their best in class, which will pay off in the long run.

This means ensuring your child completes their homework, is prepared for class and grasps the topics and subjects they are taught. Simply being aware of what subject areas your child’s class is currently studying will ensure you can talk to them about the topic, thus allowing you to find out what your child knows, understands, and has retained. There are many ways caregivers can help to keep their children motivated throughout the school year, such as:

  • Rewarding them for effort and attainment
  • Keeping a homework diary
  • Displaying a subject plan at home
  • Asking your child what subjects they’re studying
  • Allowing your child to ‘present’ the information at home
  • Ensure your child has adequate learning materials

Keep up-to-date with school events

Numerous events are held each year at school, and parents should be aware of them. Although parents and guardians won’t be expected to attend every event, they should know what’s happening in their child’s classroom or grade. If a big project is due, parents may want to offer extra encouragement to their children or provide additional resources.

With online calendars and notifications, it’s easier than ever to stay on top of what’s happening at your child’s school. Most educational institutions now have online resources with key dates identified, so you can check what events are coming up at all times.

As well as giving you access to dates set by the school, such as class trips, standardized tests, etc., online portals and school websites often provide class-specific information. If your child’s teacher regularly uploads class information, assignments, and sample work, take the opportunity to check in regularly. Hence, you’re aware of what topics your child is studying, what class-specific events are taking place, and how you can support your child in the upcoming months.

Teach organizational skills at home

As children grow, they need to take more responsibility for their schooling, and parents can help their kids to achieve this by encouraging them to be more organized. While parents should endeavor to assist their children when needed, teaching them key organizational skills helps them to be independent and will make things easier for them when they’re older. For younger children, a simple chart with instructions can give clear guidance as to what’s expected of them. These may include:

  • Put homework in your school bag
  • Get your sports kit ready
  • Check you have pens and pencils

This is easy for children to ensure they’re prepared for school, and adults can carry out any additional tasks. As children progress through school, these lists will typically become longer as the student is expected to take on a more active role. Similarly, instructions for older children may not need to be as detailed and may include broad instructions, such as:

  • Ensure assignments are up-to-date
  • Get your costume ready for the class play
  • Schedule homework time for the week ahead
  • Make sure your school clothes are ready

Making sure your child is ready to learn is crucial to ensuring they get the best school experience. This means offering them a nutritious breakfast and ensuring they get a good night’s sleep. Although it can be difficult to persuade children to go to bed at a reasonable time, the appropriate amount of sleep is important for students of all ages.

Form a partnership with the school

Schools are always keen for parents and guardians to get involved in the school community, and there are plenty of volunteering opportunities you can take up. Whether you can commit to a few hours a week, a month, or each term, the school will be grateful for your support.

If you’re unsure how to best support your child’s education, don’t hesitate to ask your child’s teacher. They will be able to identify areas in which your child may need additional support, such as a specific topic they’ve struggled with, and can tell you how you can best support your child. When parents form a partnership with their child’s teacher and school, it can allow caregivers to take a more holistic view of the child’s needs and will ensure parents can provide additional support and help at home.

Another way you can support your child’s education is by supporting your child’s teacher. Support your child’s teacher by donating to your child’s teacher today.