
Jennifer Wenz


I watch kids everyday walking to my classroom and smiling, they know that the minute they sit down there's not just one answer to a problem, there's thousands of answers to the problems I'm about to give them. LIfe is not about always having the answer to something but being creative and trying to solve it, it's my hope as an art teacher that I allow these kids the freedom in a school setting to be creative in their answers and their endeavors and night be isolated to just 1 answer. I hope that each 1 of them as they walk into my room feel inspiration, safeness, and most of all a chance to be perfect in a world that doesn't always praise small successes. Each year though art programs are cut from society, we don't see it as something we need but in retrospect it's the art's that allow these kids to use that part of the brain that makes us better, that makes us stronger, and most of all makes us successful. So each year I watch less and less money be brought in by the kids for art supplies and our school system does not provide a budget nor monetary Stipends to be successful, instead I depend on the kids and art fees to supply our program. So it's with the help and kindness of people like you that continue to make us strong. I watch kids everyday walking to my classroom and smiling, they know that the minute they sit down there's not just one answer to a problem, there's thousands of answers... read more

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Joined July, 2019 |


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