
What is ST Math (interactive games & activities)?

It is an online learning program developed by the MIND Research Institute that relies on well-studied practice concepts around math instruction. It provides a robust curriculum that builds up knowledge and skills step-by-step. Students from kindergarten through 8th grade are encouraged to solve structured problems with friendly, creative designs and characters.

The platform incorporated modern research findings on how students best grasp math formulas and concepts. Studies show the brain responds well to mastery-based learning and progressive-style mathematical problems.

The visual and adaptive steps within the modules were carefully structured based on these findings and research conducted by the University of California Irvine experts. The goal is to help students build their desire for life-long learning and be ready for careers, if they choose, in STEM fields.

The “ST” in the program’s name stands for Spatial-Temporal reasoning, a higher-order thinking skill helping the mind visualize & manipulate objects over space and time. Spatial-Temporal reasoning is the mind’s ability to solve complex, multi-step problems.

ST Math can be used via the internet, iOS, Android, Kindle, Surface, Windows, Mac, and other systems.

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ST Math students benefits

Students who supplement their learning with ST Math have seen improvements in their deep mathematical comprehension and understanding of complex problem-solving. The lessons connect with the brain’s “spatial-temporal” region, which helps with calculations, reasoning, and “next step” estimations.

ST Math meets many Common Core state standards for math in content and intent. It also meets many other unique, individual standards by various states.

Students who use the program for the recommended time allotments generally see large strides in comprehension. The company suggests that kindergarten through 1st-grade learners log in for 60 minutes per week, and all students in grades above log in for 90 minutes per week. They can log in from home, school, the library, or on the road.

ST Math educator benefits

Administrators, educators, and homeschool learning coaches receive thorough training and best practices when they begin the ST Math programs with their learners. Implementing the strategies is helped by the experts at MIND Research Institute, and ongoing support is always available.

Professional development workshops are also offered, which can strengthen educators’ pedagogical content expertise for teaching math concepts like those in the program. Technical support for the program is included for all subscribers and licensees.

Instructional design methods

The student user finds that logging in to the ST Math program is streamlined and intuitive. There are only colorful illustrations and numbers that guide them along, without words, making immediate engagement easier. They follow Jiji, the penguin, through each step of the program as they move up the completion steps.

The puzzles and problems contain lively animations, illustrated animals, and visual representations of math figures and formulas. When a problem is answered incorrectly, there is instant feedback offering clarification and feedback. Correct answers are cheered, and the system progresses forward.


Teachers and parents can see this in the reporting system when students have challenges in certain areas. Educators easily identify the hurdles and can then differentiate the instruction plan. They can also access classroom management tools to work in real time with students.

The robust reporting capabilities track students’ usage, productivity, and specific subject issues. It provides actionable data that can let educators make personalized and group instructional decisions. School administrators can use reporting features to see the scale of challenges and improvements and track/optimize usage.

ST Math topics and methods

The areas of focus in ST Math include:

  • Early Math
  • Math Basics
  • Arithmetic
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra

The methods and ways of incorporation for ST Math include:

  • Game-based learning
  • Blended learning
  • Adaptive learning
  • Core intervention
  • Online instruction
  • Supplemental education
  • K – 12 remediation
  • Individualized learning

Other ST Math resources

Recent developments with the platform have added features to ST Math Central, a hub for user resources, questions, and training options. The additional elements include:

  • Coaching Corner for educators and administrators
  • Self-Guided online planner
  • Data Discussion resources
  • Culture & celebration resources
  • Webinars on demand
  • Test Prep
  • Stretch-a-Block Game round-table
  • Visual model discussions
  • Writing activities

St Math is an impressive, patented program for school systems, homeschoolers, and supplemental teaching help. Its research-backed methodologies have proven benefits for many math learners. It is worth looking at more information on the ST Math website and trying it online or through a requested demo.

Good math skills are vital for future success, so choosing a quality program is an excellent idea.