
As any seasoned teacher knows, a well-stocked survival kit is a must.

We’re not compensated for the following list. It’s a list we believe is a must!

While you may be able to get through most days easily, there will come a day when you spill coffee all over a crisp new shirt, desperately need a sweet pick-me-up, or are fighting off a virus being passed around the school. Fortunately, to help you get through tough days, we’ve come up with a helpful list of items you can collect to create your very own teacher survival kit (a must-need):

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Personal care items

First on our emergency kit list are personal care items to ensure you feel clean and fresh all day. There’s nothing worse than feeling sweaty and uncomfortable while trying to teach a class full of kids, so make sure you have at least a few of the following items stored away in your drawer for emergencies:

1. Deodorant

You could break a sweat during class if you’re an active teacher who loves to express ideas with gesticulation and movement. You may even have to run between classrooms if your schedule is packed. If you find yourself getting hot and sticky during the school day, it is wise to keep a bottle of deodorant on hand to ensure you stay smelling fresh.

2. Baby powder

If your deodorant isn’t cutting it, a spot of baby powder will keep you feeling dry and help to avoid friction rashes.

3. Dry shampoo

If your hair starts to develop that familiar sheen of grease and build-up, a spritz of dry shampoo will make it look clean and luscious again.

4. Breath mints

These are great to have to stave off bad breath after lunch.

Products for when you’re feeling a little off

Teachers are particularly prone to catching colds and flu as schools are breeding grounds for viruses. Rather than trying to shield yourself from germs (virtually impossible!), you should stock up on goodies to help yourself feel better if illness strikes. Ideas for pick-me-ups could include:

1. Cough drops

As well as being a great excuse to eat candy during the school day, cough drops will help to keep your voice sounding clear and fresh if you have a cold.

2. Indigestion and gas relief

This is a must for teachers prone to stomach aches and tummy trouble. You will thank yourself for stocking up on antacids when indigestion strikes!

3. Painkillers

Painkillers will be handy if you develop a headache after teaching a particularly loud and excitable class.

Skin savers

The life of a teacher can be very hard and demanding work. This way, it can be easy to forget to look after yourself and your skin throughout the school day. If you want to avoid developing stress-related wrinkles or dry skin, keeping some of the following items close to your hand is a good idea.

1. Hand lotion

Most teachers find themselves washing their hands regularly, particularly if they’re teaching messy kindergarteners or first-graders. To avoid developing dry skin, keep some moisturizer on your hands.

2. Sunscreen

Looking forward to recess duty later? Remember to spread a little sunscreen on your face, neck, and arms!

Treats for when you’re feeling a little down

Every teacher experiences those days when everything seems to go wrong. You may have had a less-than-pleasing classroom review, or your students may be acting up. Whatever is making you feel depleted, irate, or worn down, these treats could help to make the day feel that little bit more bearable:

1. Feel-good foods

Some snacks are great for perking us up and releasing feel-good hormones. Chocolate is a wonder food that is easy to store away in your drawer for when the going gets tough. If chocolate isn’t your thing, however, plenty of alternatives will lift spirits!

2. Packs of instant coffee

These are great for the times when you need a quick coffee.

3. Mouthwash

Having a clean and fresh-feeling mouth can lift your mood in a way you might not have thought possible. Try it out!

Supplies for emergencies

As anyone who works with kids will be all too aware, there are some essentials that no classroom teacher should do without. These include:

1. Disinfectant spray

The disinfectant spray will be invaluable if you ever deal with vomit or other potentially infectious substances.

2. Band-Aids

If you or a pupil suffer from a cut or graze, a band-aid will help to sort the situation quickly and efficiently.

3. Hand sanitizer

Again, this is great if you find yourself handling messy situations. Elementary school teachers, in particular, should take note!

4. Stain remover sticks

Remember that kids can be messy, and your clothes and their clothes may develop stains over the day. A stain pen will help to avoid any permanent damage!

Items to keep you looking smart and professional

Sometimes your outfit or complexion will need a little sprucing up as the day wears on. This way, keeping the following close to hand is a good idea.

1. A nail kit

A nail file and clippers will keep your hands looking neat and fresh.

2. A lint roller

This will come in particularly useful if there are pets in the classroom.

3. Facial wipes

These are great if you want to freshen up your complexion.