I ended my career as an administrator but started as a teacher like many other principals and those in leadership positions at our nation’s schools. One thing that I learned more than anything else is the value of an exceptional teacher. You may have the necessary monetary resources and the most involved and positive parents, […]
Leaving school on time can feel like an almost impossible task for teachers all over the country. Regardless of how optimistic your intentions are, the realities of marking, lesson planning, and administrative duties always seem to get in the way of heading home at a decent hour. It is a widely accepted truth that burnout […]
That transitional period between elementary school to middle school can be one of the most vital for students. It represents a transition from essential learning to serious study, where school becomes more about succeeding and learning more about subjects and less about knowing the basics. As such, middle school teachers face difficulty in providing their […]
Schools are places of learning and discovery. But let’s be realistic — they’re also germ factories. When you have a bunch of little kids who might not yet have learned how to reduce cold and flu transmission, you are at high risk of catching whatever is happening around the classroom. Even teachers of older students […]
Students working at a disadvantage can often feel like the odds are stacked against them. But with the Title I federally-funded program, students from low-income families can gain the extra support needed to help them meet the same level of achievement as their peers. While these grants are excellent ways to create greater equality within […]
Isn’t it always amazing when you wrap up your lesson for the day and glance at the clock to see that dismissal will be in a minute or so? What about on those other days when you’re all set with your lesson, and there are still 10 or 15 minutes left until the bell rings? […]
No matter how wonderful of a teacher you may be, there will be times when you have to deal with angry or upset parents. Let’s review a few pointers that can help you make the most out of a bad situation. If you stay calm to listen to their concerns and work to find a […]
Motivating students to study hard and focus can be difficult at the best of times. This is particularly true at the beginning of a new semester when kids are still in the mood for a summer vacation. Fortunately, some things can be done to tackle short attention spans and get kids excited about learning new […]
When it comes to teaching, sometimes the old ways are best. After all, if they've been working for generations, what needs to be changed? As an old-school teacher, I understand all the new and exciting ways modern teaching can help students. But injecting a little bit of tradition into the classroom can go a long […]