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Critical Reasoning, Narrative Writing, Persuasive Writing
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
Resource Type
Common Core English Language Arts Standards


The 4th type of thinking skill kids need to know starting in the middle grades is "Evaluation." Evaluation uses the skill of analyzing, comparison, and inference (all 3) and attempts to draw a conclusion on what is best when considering a number of different options. I can apply to a number of different real-life situations including:
-Choosing a product in the store to purchase
-Voting on a political candidate of your choice
-Choosing who to marry
-Choosing the car you drive
-Deciding how someone did on a test or assessment

These are just a few examples of evaluation in the real world.
In school, kids may encounter evaluation in Literature, Math, Geography, and any other number of subjects and assignments. Whenever they are asked to make a decision on something, they are being asked to use the evaluation skill.

Evaluating something calls on the skill of analyze by consider the parts or the assets of something such as the features of a car, the skill of comparison by comparing the car you have with the one you want, and inference by assuming certain aspects of the vehicle based on experience with previous cars or car purchases, for example.

In the end, evaluating something requires a pretty high level of critical thinking and making a decision about its quality or attributes.

When we use evaluation, we also encounter PERSUASIVE WRITING. First, we will encounter media, articles, and other sources that may try to convince us that one thing is better than another such as car ads, political speeches, etc. Then, once we decide for ourselves what to purchase or what we think about the item or situation, we may use persuasive writing ourselves to convince others it is the best.

To really do evaluation justice, we should compare at least 3 different things and then make a decision based on our opinion. This is where opinion and personal taste comes into play that often has nothing to do with logic.

Remember that, when kids read persuasive text, it may have nothing to do with what is true. Even in the textbooks they use in school, ideas may be sold for "facts" that are actually only opinions, often backed by political agendas that you and they may never be fully aware of.

The strings that pull the puppet strings in today's world (and yes in the USA too), are often unseen and unheard while pushing their own ideas as facts in the materials kids read and are exposed to today.

This is why it is so important for parents to be in charge of their child's education and to steer the curriculum and the textbooks and other materials in the way you wish for your child. Evaluation uses narrative and persuasive writing which we will discuss more in a later course.

Evaluation, in closing, is an important skills that allows kids to learn to make informed decisions based on information that may include both fact and opinion, bias and truth, and it is critical that they learn to tell the difference.
The 4th type of thinking skill kids need to know starting in the middle grades is "Evaluation." Evaluation uses the skill of analyzing, comparison, and inference (all 3) and attempts to draw a conclusion on what is best when considering... more


  • What is the purpose of this course?
    The purpose of this course is to teach the thinking skill of evaluation and how it relates to persuasive writing. The goal is to get kids to learn the difference between fact and opinion and how sometimes opinions can be made to sound like facts. Work with kids to learn to be a radar for false information that might attempt to convince them of something that is not true or not in their best interest. Writing with the evaluation thinking skill uses narrative and persuasive writing and includes the reasoning between the decision-making process, which is important in life, not just in school.
    The purpose of this course is to teach the thinking skill of evaluation and how it relates to persuasive writing. The goal is to get kids to learn the difference between fact and opinion and how sometimes opinions can be... more
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