

20 Pages
Resource Type
Activities, Assignments, Worksheets
Math, Basic Math, Fractions
Not grade specific


This is a functional unit on fractions that can help students generalize fractions as they apply them to real life situations. I find that my students understand fractions but struggle when it comes to generalizing and applying the concepts to real life situations. I have found this unit to be really helpful and truly helps my students to generalize what they've learned! This unit includes:
20 pages
over 49 problems
real life applications
converting fractions to decimals and percentages
equivalent fractions and percentages
Keep reading more a more in depth description of what this unit has to offer!
This unit is 20 pages and starts with reviewing basic concepts of fractions like explaining how shapes can be divided into equal parts to create fractions, numerators, denominators, shaded parts, total number of parts, etc. The students are asked to write a fraction that depicts the picture shown as well as to shade parts of a whole when given a fraction.
Then fractions are described by how we use them in real life, such as 4 quarters make a dollar, measuring cups, and inches. There is a whole sheet on dividing things by quarters and a whole sheet on dividing things by halves. Students are also taught fractions in relation to pizza, pie, and chocolate bars.
The next step is teaching students to convert fractions to decimals by dividing the numerator by the denominator. After, students are taught how to convert the decimal into a percentage two different ways. The first way is to move the decimal point two places to the right. The second is to multiply by 100.
Next, equivalent fractions are introduced. Equivalent fractions are shown by simplifying fractions as well as by converting them to decimals. The students then compare equivalent fractions by converting them to percentages.
There are two review pages with 10 questions and a bonus question on each. The first asks students to convert a fraction to a decimal. The second review worksheet asks students to convert a fraction to a percentage.
After the review, the unit moves into more real life applications. It gives examples of price per unit, splitting a bill multiple ways, and figuring out how much a cup of flour costs out of a whole bag of flour. The last two worksheets are titled, "Putting it all Together," and they consist of reviewing every skill the student has been taught in this lesson. There's 5 questions on each. The students are also asked to draw pictures to help them solve the problems.
The answer key is included! I hope you and your students enjoy this lesson!
This is a functional unit on fractions that can help students generalize fractions as they apply them to real life situations. I find that my students understand fractions but struggle when it comes to generalizing and applying the concepts to... more
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